Monday, July 18, 2011

Eklutna Village and Thunderbird Falls Take 2

Kids slept through our visit to the village of Eklutna. People from various native tribes had relocated to this town and had joined the Russian Orthodox Church. There were two small churches on the grounds that were quite ornate. This picture is of the village's cemetery. They decorated these houses because they believe the spirits of the dead come back to where they are buried each evening and therefore need a home. The loved ones paint the homes the color of their tribe of origin so the spirits recognize it as their home. Was neat to see how they blended two spiritual/religious beliefs.

From there we took Jason to Thunderbird Falls to take in the views. The kids enjoyed picking flowers and berries along the way as well as climbing up lots of hills.

A miracle, both kids are looking!

A sweet moment toward the end of the walk. We are so lucky to be sharing this adventure with the Ogao's. Willem loves having a partner to go one adventures with and Ellie thinks Jake is hilarious.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah- good job again; we love your accounts and the pictures fill out the stories.
Wouter and Linda