Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thunderbird Falls, Gifts and Playing with Friends

Thank you Opa and Lita! Wallets were a hit.

Marley is inspiring Willem to climb to new heights.

Look at Marley go! Cannot for the life of me get Willem to pose these days but Marley is a willing model.

This afternoon we went with the Ogao's to Thunderbird Falls. We'd heard it was an easier hike with the kids and it wasn't too bad except for some steep hills. Luckily Jared worked double time taking both strollers down the hills since Jason was at work. had a scare though on a less steep hill that I ventured down myself. The front wheel on the BOB caught on something and the stroller flipped over the side of the hill. Luckily both kids were buckled in and I had the wrist leash on me, but I was very shaken. The kids on the otherhand didn't make a peep and Heidi and a nice guy on the trail helped me get the kids and the stroller upright again. Think I'll be passing off the stroller to Jason and Jared on even semi-steep hills. It's amazing the strength it takes to keep the stroller going straight and at a pace where you're in control on those hills.

Ellie loves the outdoors! She would love to crawl and play outside all day long.

Our family intact at the end of our hike. Whew!
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