Monday, July 4, 2011

4th of July

We went to the biggest 4th of July Parade in Alaska, in downtown Anchorage. A little disappointed by the lack of candy, but loved the hometown feel of the parade.

Willem and Marley

The Ogao's invited us along to a 4th of July BBQ with some local friends they had made. We felt at home eating hot dogs, enjoying the smell of the grill and yes, even watching kids play in the pool. Not our kids, but the local kids had no qualms getting into the pool. Meanwhile, we kept adding layers of clothing on Willem and Ellie. Guess we haven't quite acclimated to the climate yet. Was impressed at how the Mom got the pool to be above freezing--ran a hose from her kitchen sink to the pool. Very creative!! Let's just say that the water that comes out of the pipes here needs no ice cubes to be refreshing.

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