Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween was an action packed day. Willem and Ellie are at different preschools this year and it was the first time they both had activities the same day. Luckily Mom and Erik were with me and we were able to go to both schools celebrations.

Ellie's school had a Costume Parade where the children watch each class walk around the courtyard until it's their classes turn to join in. From the moment we arrived Ellie wanted nothing to do with it. She was completely silent and clinging to me. She was not a fan of the costumes at all. Her own teacher was scary to her with a witches hat and broom. She ended up participating with me walking with her and she semi-warmed up to the idea, but definitely was not her cup of tea this year.

Erik surprised Ellie when he arrived as the Blue Wiggle. She wasn't too sure what to think of his costume but Mom and I were impressed.

At Willem's school they don't celebrate holidays but instead have an International Day Celebration. Each child chooses a country and then is supposed to learn about the country and dress in tradition garb and then bring a traditional food item to share with the class for their potluck. This year we went with Brazil. Willem wore his Brazil soccer outfit and we brought a fruit platter with mango, papaya and pineapple. The primary classes all sang The Children of the World Say Hello, it was really cute and the kids were quite proud of their performance.

After, we all went back to the classroom for a potluck meal. Willem has made a lot of friends this year, it was neat seeing how comfortable he was in his classroom. Ellie and I sat on the floor and he didn't even try to join us, he wanted to sit with his friends.

That night we went trick or treating to a few neighbors houses before heading over to the Bertolinos. We had planned on getting together with the Baldwins as well but William wasn't feeling well. They were definitely missed!

Jason got home just as we were getting ready to leave, so it was perfect timing! He just stayed in his scrubs for his costume.

This year he opted to paint the pumpkins. Willem had gotten glitter paint with Grandma and the kids had fun going to town with googly eyes and other doodads we had around the house.

  The Bertolinos brought their wagon along and were generous enough to make room for Willem. The configurations the kids put themselves in throughout the night was quite hilarious. Ellie was content walking until the very end, we are always amazed by how strong she is as we walked quite a ways.

Willem had asked what we were going to put the candy in. I had no cute baskets for them at the house so I told him how we used to use grocery bags or a pillowcase. He was pumped about using a pillowcase!

What a fun Halloween! They had a couple pieces of candy on the way home and fell asleep quickly. Not one mention of the Halloween candy since in almost 2 weeks. Lucky grown ups:)
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