Saturday, October 6, 2012

Fiddle Concert at the Pumpkin Patch

Willem's studio was invited to play at the McDonald Rancch Pumpkin Patch on opening weekend. We had never been there before so it was a fun first for us. For the performance Willem learned how to play the drone for Boil the Cabbage Down and the mouse part for Old McDonald Had A Farm. It was a neat experience for him to get to see older kids who have been playing for years play some fun songs at a Pumpkin Patch of all places.

Ellie loved watching the horses.

Kiki joined us as well and took the kids in to the petting zoo area. Willem loved feeding the goats and Ellie liked being around the animals but not too close.

We told Willem he could do one ride before we headed out and to our surprise, he chose the bungee cord trampoline. His love of adventure often surprises me because he's so cautious in some regards but has a very adventurous spirit when it comes to rides.

Rachel took part in the fun as well and entertained us all with her aeronautic skills.

Willem bounced for a good 10 minutes and loved every minute of it!
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