Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Dad Time

Jason has been on the busiest service we've experienced so far, for 4 months in a row now. 2 of the months he was working nights so we barely saw him except for on Saturdays and the other 2 months he was working days and every weekend with Tuesdays being his day off. In October he had Tuesdays off and we made the most of that time with him. The Tuesday of Willem's fall break Ellie still had school so we took Willem out on a Mom & Dad date and had breakfast at Matt's Big Breakfast.

Later that day Jason fulfilled his promise to Willem and dyed Willem's hair blue. A few weeks ago Willem had asked me if he could dye his hair blue and after say no for several days, I said, ask Dad. Knowing Jason would say no. Not the case... Anyway, this became a Daddy and Willem project and Willem was quite pleased with the results.

Jason was also able to make it to a couple of music classes this month which was a lot of fun. I'm not too mobile these days, so it was fun for the kids to have Daddy to dance around with.

We also went to the Science Center as we had heard the new Lego and Dinosaur exhibits were great. We only had an hour before the museum closed so we just checked out the Lego area this time around. The kids loved it. It was all about transportation, so they pretended to fly a plane and Willem dressedup as an astronaut at one point.

This time we just hung out in the large lego area but next time Jason's going to take Willem to the other side so they can build with the tiny legos. We also all built cars with the Duplos and raced them down a track they had there. That was probably Willem's favorite.

After, we headed to Trader Joe's to pick out our pumpkins. The kids were excited about having their own carts and are looking forward to decorating the pumpkins next week when Tia Julie comes to visit.

The last Tuesday of the month, Jason picked Willem up from school and took him to the Science Center to check out the dinosaur exhibit. Willem loved digging for dinosaur bones like a paleontologist but was a bit scared of the talking dinosaurs.

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