Sunday, June 19, 2011

June 2011 (Pre-Alaska)

Since our trip to California Willem is all about going down our slide in the backyard. He was leary of going down alone for a couple of months but now goes down with gusto.

Mom and Willem are having a lot of fun building tracks in the morning while Ellie is sleeping. Slowly Mom is starting to see Willem's vision for what all we can do with more tracks. It's amazing to watch him work. He gets a vision for how he wants the tracks laid out and he makes it happen.

What do you do when it's 115 degrees outside? Hit the pool. Willem loved being independent in his float and the pool was perfect because half of the pool was so shallow his feet touched the bottom.

Ellie also loved splashing, riding on the floats and snuggling with Oom Rik.

Ellie and Willem both love this chair at Maw Maw's. What a great find!

Tia Julie came to visit for the weekend and the kids were in heaven.

Look at that train drawing! Willem loves drawing trains and with the help of this book, Mom and dad's drawings are starting to semi-resemble the trains he asks us to draw.

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