As Mary had told us, once we went to bed, Audrey decided she was ready to arrive. For me, laboring this time around was a totally different experience because I knew what was happening and what to expect next. I was able to stay relaxed and calm and find positions that aided in relieving the pressure during the contractions. Jason was an amazing partner and would use heat and massage to help through each contraction. I mostly labored leaning over the exercise ball on the bed. What a difference it made laboring at home!! It felt incredibly normal and comforting to be at home in our own room. I'm so glad we took this leap of faith and did a home birth. If we were to have a 4th, we would definitely do it again. Around 9:00pm I began shaking and knew transition was starting. Jason called the midwife, Melissa, Deanne and Rachel to let them know what was happening and said he'd call back soon with an update. 5 minutes later I asked him to have them come over.
It felt like the next time I looked around the room they were there setting up. They were so quiet and peaceful, the energy in the room stayed the same as they entered. They checked me and said I was 6 cm dilated. The water hadn't broken yet and they said the contractions weren't as strong as they'd like so in order for me to get into the tub they recommended breaking my water. At that point there was no doubt in my mind that Audrey would arrive soon so I had no hesitations about having my water broken. Once they broke the water, they had me sit up and let gravity due the work for me. Within minutes I was asking to go into the tub.
It felt a little strange to be in a kids pool in our bedroom The water was a little too cool so Jason and my Mom went to work taking cool water out of the tub and refilling it with water Mom was boiling on the stove. By 10::45 I thought it was time to get the kids up as it felt like I was going to be ready to push soon. I've been told my Mom went to get the kids out of bed and brought them into my room. The next 30 minutes are a bit of a blur to me. I remember looking up and seeing Willem on the bed with wide eyes on me. I remember Ellie being held by Melissa holding onto her lala. I don't remember pictures being taken, but later saw Deanne captured the whole night with great eye. Around 11 I began pushing and a few contractions later Audrey arrived at 11:18pm. I heard Rachel say she was a boy and when they laid her on my chest and I opened my eyes I saw that she was a baby girl. I was surprised, though both Wouter and Maw Maw were sure she was a girl. I really had no idea either way. I watched as Willem and Jason cut Audrey's umbilical cord. Willem was so excited and very focused on his task. I learned later he had been right next to the tub for the delivery and studying the whole process. Ellie later told me she thought Mommy was hurting and then baby came out and Mom was okay. She held onto Melissa and watched from further away in the room.
I handed Audrey to Jason and the midwives helped me to the bed to rest. Jason held Audrey in the rocker for a long time as the kids looked on and admired her. The next few hours are a bit of a fog but I remember Julie being on Facetime seeing Audrey for the first time. The midwives focused on me as the placenta was delivered. Because of the weak contractions, it was difficult to get the bleeding to stop but they were calm the whole time and I felt like everything would work out. For a minute they thought I may need to go to the hospital, but they got it under control and I just had to remain in bed the rest of the night.

That first hour, Ellie was pretty much by my side the entire time. I had been worried that Ellie and Willem would want me to hold them or it would be too much having them there at that point but she just sat right next to me and had the calmest energy. It was as though she knew something was going on and she just wanted to make sure I was alright. Willem popped over to check on us and asked right away, "Mommy, when are we going to have a 4th baby" (note this is before the placenta had even been delivered). I'll remind him in 30 years not to ask his wife these questions immediately after delivery. After the midwives knew I was okay, they went to work on the newborn screen. Willem and Ellie were fascinated by the tests they were doing. Amy and Mary were amazing with them and talked them through the exam and answered all of Willem's questions.
Ellie was so happy to hold Audrey.
Having Deanne, Melissa, Rachel and my Mom there was wonderful. They were able to welcome Audrey into the world and be there to support me in countless ways. Deanne and Rachel took pictures and video for us so we could share them with Audrey one day. And Melissa and Ellie became Birthing BFF's as termed by Melissa:) I really hadn't known how to prepare them ahead of time or what I would need but it all worked out perfectly.
And Erik being the wise guy he is, went out with friends after dinner and soon after he returned Ms. Audrey arrived.
We hadn't actually decided on the name Audrey 100% (we, meaning Jason) but in the end Jason felt Audrey was the right name. Ironically, being the quiet guy he is, he announced our name pick via Facebook before telling me or the people who were at our house.
We chose Marie after my sister Julie Marie and Aunt Laura Marie. Audrey had been a top name of mine since we found out we were pregnant with Willem so it was an easy choice. We are lucky she wasn't a boy or he would have been given some crazy name Jason came up with. The girl category had much saner names such as Elizabeth in the running. No D'Artagnion Weiss in this family. 3 is just right:)
Welcome to the 21st Century Ms. Audrey Marie Weiss
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