Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer Cold Front hits Alaska!

Last week we had a rainy, cold streak here in Alaska and spent much more time indoors.
Align Center
When the sun came out one morning, we bundled up and headed to Potters Marsh to look for birds and enjoy the views.

Willem looking for the birds we had seen.

From there we headed to Kincaid Park. The sun in the picture is deceiving as it was probably 45-50 degrees with windchill. The strength of the wind reminded me of our days in Iowa. Really counting the days to get back to Arizona at this point.

Ellie, our little monkey is beyond confident at the playground now. She's been trying to get onto this ladder for a couple of weeks and giggled with joy when I lifted her onto them.

To warm up we took a hike and as we rounded a bend, saw the largest Moose yet.

Willem "watching" Ellie while I put a load of laundry in.
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