Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Day with the McCorisons

We met the McCorison family through Jared as Brian McCorison worked with him on a few surgeries. They introduced us to a storytime that took place inside a botanical garden. Not only was it the warmest place we had been in Alaska but the man who ran the storytime was wonderful. The kids had a blast, though they were disappointed they couldn't pick the flowers.

That night they invited us over for dinner and roasting marshamallows. We had been hoping to roast marshmallows at some point but this exceeded our wildest imaginations. Getting to share this experience with another family and be welcomed into their home was wonderful. The kids all got along great and quite a few marshmallows were enjoyed.

Ellie was leading the way in marshmallow consumption. She was a fan! Everytime she ran out she'd say "eh, eh" and lean toward the bag of marshmallows.

The McCorison's live right near a crick and took us down there to see the berries ripe for picking and the area that turns into a great skating rink in the winter. They have a black bear that enjoys their land as well, but luckily we didn't run into him that evening.

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