Willem's 1st day in Primary at Faith North. Willem was ready, Mom was not but a great day was had by all.
He was so ready to get to school, we absolutely tortured him by taking pictures. Grandma has more on her camera we'll add later.
Our happy son in the car afterschool. I asked him what he did today and he said, "I went potty a lot Mommy. A lot." He was in heaven as he was finally not handicapped by my presence and able to go to the boys room. In addition, he could stay in there for much longer than mom's patience usually allows for.
I was worried about the potty situation because the bathrooms are outside of the classroom and he's been potty trained for about 1 month but all was good in his world.
He also declared on the drive home that he no longer wanted to take his lunch and that he wanted to eat the school lunch. Apparently the rest of the class had pizza. Where did my baby go?? The point of preschool is fostering independence and he is more than ready. Now if only Mom can keep up!
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