Saturday, June 28, 2014

The kids are growing!!

On Friday Willem had his 6 year well check and Audrey had her 18 month well check. Both are doing great and are healthy as can be:

52 lbs (90%)- We better start lifting bigger weights to keep up with this kiddo who still likes to be carried like a baby after his bath.
50.25" (off the charts)

26lbs 14oz (90%)
34" (95%)
18.75" Head Circumference

Willem got the last shots he'll need until he's 11 (outside of the flu shot). Audrey got 2 shots and was a champ. Ellie has her 4 year check up in a month and she's getting nervous now that she watched her siblings receive shots.

Taking 3 monkeys to the doctor solo is always an adventure but they really did great and we all got ice cream after which was a nice treat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First post of the New Year 2014.Good Job.