Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Endeavor and Pat's Birthday Dinner

Before going across the street to the Science Center, we had lunch at USC and did the traditional Tommy Trojan picture. It's always fun to be back on campus and see all the updates they've done since we left.

The Space Shuttle exhibit was amazing. We loved the museum leading to the actual shuttle and learned about life inside the shuttle and the training the astronauts go through. Willem and Jason did a simulation of a space shuttle voyage which was really neat (I aborted before blast off). 

What made the trip extra special was that Willem's cousins Esthercita and Racquel met us there.  

Willem is still bragging about how he can lift an entire car off the ground. (I think Opa helped a bit)

From there we went over to Pat and Rands house for Pat's birthday. Rand made a fantastic meal and we had a great time catching up. Also learned that my kids love caesar salad, definitely adding that into the rotation:)

We are all loving having Jason home this week. 
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