Friday, March 29, 2013

All About Ellie

Ellie is talking up a storm these days and has so much to tell us. She tells us all about school and her friends and her baby dolls. She's incredibly loving and nurturing and silly. She likes to say everything Willem says and is quite mischievous!

She loves Audrey and her babies to no end. At school she beelines straight to the baby dolls to make sure her doll is there. Then she puts it in the shopping cart and goes about her morning. Same routine every school day without fail. 

At home she's taken to using the carriers and nursing covers with her babies so when we saw her teacher was making baby doll slings we had one made for her. She loves it and takes her babies out with us in her sling when we run errands. We've had some funny moments on sleep deprived days when I've seen her dolls on the couch or in the bassinet and done a double take thinking it was Audrey.
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