Saturday, April 13, 2013

Willem's Party!

Spiderman, the park, a scavenger hunt, enough said.

Lita and Opa found this awesome pinata. It was our first time having a pinata at his party and the bar was definitely set high.

The rocket launcher was a great present and the hit of the party.
Willem's main request for the party was to have a scavenger hunt so Jason designed clues leading the kids to different areas of the park. At each spot they'd do a different activity (sing a song, strike a super hero pose, get treasure from the pinata, and go down the slide). 

(I forgot the candles but a great friend ran up to Walgreens and saved the day. There's always something....)

Audrey had lots of welcoming arms at the party and enjoyed this nice cuddle time with Tia Julie.
Life's been a bit crazy lately but with a lot of help the party came together and we had a great time celebrating Willem's birthday with close family and friends. Its nice to have times like this to pause and take in all the love and support we've received over the past 5 years.
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