Saturday, February 23, 2013

Basketball Season

Willem played basketball through the Y this year for the first time. The basketball was SO tall compared to the kids. It was amazing how much the team learned throughout the season. Willem was quite aggressive and loved going for the jump balls. He'd tell his team mates he was open and wave his arms around.

Ellie was the consummate cheerleader for Willem. She was at every practice and game cheering him on. She spent most games hanging out with her friend Belle and doting on Audrey.

Tia Julie even made it to a game. Everyone was a trooper seeing as though most of the games were at 8 am. 8 am games with 3 kids was rough! But we made it. Not that we weren't up anyway, just getting everyone loaded and dressed was a bit crazy.
The 1st of many seasons to come! He definitely got the basketball bug:)
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