Sunday, August 19, 2012

Random Summer Happenings

The Mailman

Willem has claimed Ellie's lunchbox and backpack as his mailbag. A few times a week he draws pictures or writes something to each person in our family and then puts the notes in envelopes and addresses them. Then he goes around the house delivering his mail. Ellie usually follows behind as his helper.

The kids have been cleaning and helping out a lot more around the house this Summer. Vacuuming is a favorite as is anything that involves a spray bottle.

Willem and Ellie are such good friends now. They have their moments (which can feel like hours at times) of fighting, but they are a strong team. They are much happier together than apart and come up with all sorts of games. The favorite right now is that they are kitty cats. They will spend an entire morning building their cat home and talking in Meows.

The kids started back in swim lessons and are having a lot of fun swimming with their friends, Ben and Belle. Their teacher is amazing and it's been fun to see both of them get even more comfortable in the water over the last month. Willem is mostly learning the backstroke and side breathing and Ellie is learning to use her arms. That girl will swim across the width of the pool only using her feet, I don't know what she'll do once she figures out how to use her arms.

Jason's been on nights all month so we've enjoyed our pockets of time with him in the morning or early afternoon. It's been nice having him home during the day more and he's gotten to see parts of our day that he isn't usually around for.
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