Sunday, June 10, 2012

Rocky Point

The reason the blog has fallen behind.... Jason took so many cute pics on vacation that I couldn't decide what to post. So here is a summary of our trip to rocky point with few words and lots of pictures. All in all, we loved living on the beach for a week and the simplicity of rising each day to set up camp on the sand, jump the waves and build sand castle. We wish we could live there year round!

Willem took to the water immediately and was jumping waves on day one. The tallest waves were about half a foot bigger than him and by the end of the week he new how to get through those without someone lifting him up.

Lots of sealife was collected and examined. Jason and Erik wanted to bring home pets. Unlucky for the future pets, they didn't survive in the conditions they were given:(

Ellie loved the water, especially the shallow pools at low tide. Otherwise, she liked jumping the waves in someones arms.

Lots of rest/naptimes were had wrapped in towels in Mom or Dads laps. Hanging out in the sun each day is quite tiring!

Willem kayaking with Julie and Erik

Willem met friends and joined their family for a few days on the beach, even going to the point of taking his chair from our camp and putting it under their shade. the two teen girls were really sweet to him.  

Surprisingly, the weather was semi-cool in the late afternoons and evenings and if there is a fireplace, our family must roast marshmallows.

Ellie loved the water, but she enjoyed hanging out on the beach chair snacking just as much and could be found there as much as anywhere else. The kids loved watching the person selling mangos peel and slice them so we bought one a couple of days for the kids to munch on. 

Wasn't sure how practicing on vacation was going to go but we had fun with it and on our last day Willem wasnted to play out on the beach.

Our 1st night back at home
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