Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve 2010

Very frustrated with the blog software right now as it keeps deleting my pics, so this story is going to be told a bit backwards...
An attempt at a family picture after new toy overload and a lot of candy. Still Willem's favorite pjs 6 months later!
Heading out to go to Paw Paw and Gigi's house
Ellie loved playing with the wrapping paper and especially appreciated anything that served as a good teething toy. Mom and Dad were so busy trying to figure out how to get Willem's new toys out of boxes that very few pictures were taken of the kids this day.

Christmas Eve our entire family gathered at Paw Paw and Gigi's house for a feast and to celebrate the holidays.
Of course we did the annual reading of "Twas' the Night Before Christmas". This year Tia Julie and Grandma had each person in the family record a page and gave the book to the kids. It's still a little strange when we hear through the baby monitor someones voice who we know is not in town and they are reading a Christmas story.

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