Saturday, January 30, 2010

Trip to Columbia Continued

You continue to love taking self portraits. You took this picture on the piano bench with Tia Julie. You loved playing Grandma's piano!
You also enjoyed Granta Pamela reading you lots of books. You were enamored. She gave you a Richard Scarry book while we were visiting and it has become your favorite book to read.

You loved being picked up by all of your little girl cousins, you must have figured since they were taller than you, that of course they should be carrying you around! You would go up to them and put your arms up asking to be picked up. Since we've come home you've done this a couple of times to random girls at the park, it's quite funny to watch.

Mom and Dad were not around when this one happened... But you were officially initiated into the time honored tradition of playing bar in Grandma Rose's basement.
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