Every morning you like to brush your teeth. You move your step stool over to the sink and get your toothbrush and toothpaste and call me over. You were working on getting in your molars this month.
You are very into helping Mom right now. You help me make pizza dough and our oatmeal each morning and you love cracking eggs. 
Playdate with our friends. You were so happy playing hide and seek in the tent.

Willem hasn't gotten very good at identifying which tomatoes to pick, now he just picks the green ones to tease me.
Willem now loves to swing! In the past he wouldn't hold on and would lean forward. All of the sudden he's leaning back and holding onto the chains and begging to go higher. One day we went to the park with a friend who is a year older and was using the bigger swing and
Willem just jumped right on and did a great job.
Willem just jumped right on and did a great job.
Willem hasn't gotten very good at identifying which tomatoes to pick, now he just picks the green ones to tease me.