Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year we decided to color pumpkins and you did a great job decorating your pumpkin. At first you were being very careful and then your true artistic ways came out and you were being silly with the crayons but the pumpkin looked great.

When it came time to Trick or Treat you had quite the entourage. Paw Paw started you out with some treats in your bucket and we went to the house across the street from us. You weren't really sure what this fuss was all about but when they handed you a piece of candy, you politely pulled out one of the candies in your bucket and handed it to the neighbors. They were so tickled!

We continued on with to another neighbor who was expecting us and by this time I think you were noticing that you had three cameras flashing at your every move so you acted a little cheeky at this house. We knocked on the door and the neighbor gave you a bag of popcorn. You again gave her a piece of your candy and then promptly went inside her house, gave us a mischievous look and closed the door. As much as we all enjoyed our trick or treating adventure, I think we provided a great deal of amusement for the neighbors as well.

Eventually you rejoined us and we went to a block party nearby where we saw lots of other kids dressed up, which you seemed excited about.

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