Thursday, August 27, 2009

8/18 Trip to the Children's Museum

A couple of weeks ago we got together with our cousin Sara Vance and her daughter Cassidy for an outing to the Phoenix Children's Museum. You two had so much fun serving us ice cream, shopping for groceries, playing on their gym equipment and you loved running through the maze of pool noodles hanging from the ceiling.

You kept picking items from the shelf and asking me to open them for you. When you found the animal cracker box you were so mad that I wouldn't give you any! You didn't believe me they were pretend boxes.

Most of the activities were at your eye level and you just loved it. There were tons of buttons to push and new areas to explore.
They had a motorcycle that you could sit on, you weren't too keen on this but you posed for Mom.

We had such a fun day with the Vance's!!
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