Saturday, January 24, 2009

Week in Review

This week was quite momentous with President Obama being elected into office. We watched the innauguration as a family and told Willem about the political process and who the political leaders are. Willem doesn't know this yet, but he actually caucused in Iowa with me last Winter, so he was fairly involved in the election.

Also new this week, Willem tried fish for the first time and loved it. Jason prepared Char for us last weekend it was delicious. Our family has taken to Saturday trips at Whole Foods to taste the samples and were inspired by how easy they made Char sound. It turned out so well, we may just have it again this week. Willem is an adventurous eater and will eat about anything as long as he is able to feed it to himself.

Willem also continues to love music. We've been singing more songs like Old MacDonald's Farm and he seems to really enjoy them. He also loves playing the drums and dancing with Mom or Grandma.

His two bottom teeth can be seen when he's laughing but if you blink you'll miss them. They are still pretty low but at least they don't seem to be causing him pain anymore. He's been sleeping well this week and is happy as can be.
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