Sunday, August 24, 2008

Catching Up

The Weiss family has had an exciting past few weeks. Grandma Watkins visited for a couple of weeks and whoa were we spoiled. During that time Willem began to tolerate his baths much better due to his daily bathing routine. He also decided to start rolling over which is a huge milestone! And he began sporting a faux hawk. Grandma had a big influence on him.

Since he began rolling over, sleeping has been more challenging as his body doesn't stay still any longer. He's found some interesting positions to sleep in but ultimately he likes to be right up against the railing in his crib. Yes, we know he isn't supposed to sleep on his stomach and he doesn't do this regularly, but on this day it was the only way he could nap.

Willem has also gone on a few road trips lately. His Tia Julie started medical school so we all attended her White Coat Ceremony which was very nice. During that weekend he got to catch up with Paw Paw Torry which he greatly enjoyed.

The following weekend we drove over to Des Moines to check out the Iowa State Fair. It's supposed to be the biggest State Fair and it was quite a sight to see. Willem was a bit young to take in all the sights, but we had a great time. The highlight for Willem was going to Babies R Us and getting to check out the exersaucers Grandma had researched. After trying out a few, we took one home that has entertained him greatly for the last week.

Then last weekend we drove down to Columbia for a Girls Weekend. Willem was the only boy attending, so as you can imagine, he received quite a bit of love. The weekend was a blast and definitely something to make an annual event out of. We were sad to leave Grandma in Columbia as our two weeks had flown by, but we will be seeing a lot more of her shortly when we relocate to St. Louis.

This weekend, we took it easy. Willem got plenty of floor time to show off his rolling over skills. He's also into scooting around but his arms just won't coordinate with his legs. (Jason and I are not ready for him to be any more mobile so we are just fine with this).

That's what's been going on with us lately. We really enjoyed having this summer together to introduce Willem to some of our favorite things and spend lots of time with the family.

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