Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Holiday Traditions

The month of December is always filled with fun times with family and friends as we prepare for the holiday season. This year Jason was on nights so he missed out on a lot of the festivities but he was off for Christmas which was great. 
We broke tradition and bought our tree from a local nursery since our Boy Scout lot was only open when Jason was working. The plus side is we discovered they have beautiful birds on the property and the trees were quite impressive.

Each year we celebrate Hannukah with the Chernys and this year the Funkhousers joined in on the festivities as well. The kids love playing the dreidel game and are fascinated by the Hebrew prayers.

Aunt Carla held court on 7th St saving us prime parade viewing spots. The Vance's joined in as well and with the addition of a firepit this year, we were all nice and warm.

Ellie was old enough to decorate the tree this year and was quite into decorating her own small tree for her room. With Jason gone minimal pictures were taken but we all had fun.

We learned from last year and built a pre-assembled house and the kids were able to decorate it all by themselves. A lot of candy went in their stomachs instead of the tree resulting in them being absolutely goofy while decorating. We surrounded the house with old mushy marshmallows and somehow throughout the month, the snow disappeared. (aka Ellie)

Ellie loved decorating cookies this year. Was so fun that she was old enough to get involved with all the festivities. We discovered a new favorite cookie: PB&J

On December 23rd we took the Weiss clan and Mom to Glendale Glitters and the Crazy Light House. Not too impressed by Glendale Glitters but the Crazy Light house impressed as always.