Monday, September 30, 2013


2 Chuck E Cheese Parties in one month, oh my!

Home made applesauce from the apples we picked at Annie's Orchard in Wilcox.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Sick Baby Girl

Audrey caught a bad bug and we ended up at Children's Hospital. We'd never had to take a child to the hospital before so the whole ordeal was new to us. The staff were great but the first 24 hours were quite scary. She had a high fever and was dehydrated. She ended up spending 24 hours in the ICU and one more day in a regular room.  Luckily she was okay. The dr's chalked it up to a virus and never figured out what it was. 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Apple Picking

Jason had a day off so we drove down to Wilcox for some apple picking. The weather was gorgeous and the kids had a blast taste testing along the way.