Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Weekend in Show Low

Our good friends the Bertolinos have been inviting us to go to Show Low with them for awhile now and it never seems to work out for Jason to get an entire weekend off, so the kids and I decided to go by ourselves one weekend. We thoroughly enjoyed the drive to Show Low and were amazed that we were still in Arizona as we drove through forests and up the cliffs, it was stunning. Also, a drive where Mom could not be passing things to the backseat and actively carrying on conversations. Luckily, the day before the drive we found a Spanish CD we'd been looking for and the kids were excited to have something new and requested we listen to it the whole way there. No DVD's, I was impressed.

Willem and Marina had a blast. When we first arrived, the kids were excited that it was cool enough (in the 70's) to play outside. So they dug for worms, looked for bugs, colored with chalk and just enjoyed being outdoors. Later in the evening they decided to play dress up. Willem was game. 

The kids ate out on hte deck each day and I think 80% of my pictures are of them at the table, I guess  that's when I had time to get the camera out. It took all three of us adults to keep up with the 4 of them. They would bounce from one activity to the next and played beautifully together.

Our peaceful retreat.

The kids had been trying to catch a bug and found it pretty difficult to catch the flyers, until they found a spider web. Willem collected the spider and fed it some Goldfish crackers and decided it would be our new pet. I agreed, knowing it would probably not survive until we got home. But that spider kept on ticking until about a day after we were back in Phoenix. Just enough time to show Dad his prized possesion. Willem held off on declaring it dead for about a week, as he thought it was probably just sleeping but finally Spidey has been put to rest.

On Saturday we hit up the Equestrian Park in town to check out the horses. They usually have ponies but the ponies were done for the day so the kids got to ride on full sized horses.

Ellie was determined to keep up with the older kids but once we hoisted her onto the horse, she decided to just wear the helmet and be a spectator.

Willem had ridden a pony about 6 months ago and was a bit scared at the time, but this time he felt really comfortable. In fact, he wanted to go around again immediately after his first ride.

Meanwhile, Ellie and Brooke had fun playing a water hose we found on the farm. There was also an outdoor theater on the grounds, so the kids had fun putting on shows. (mostly Marina, though my kids found a broom and argued over who got to sweep the stage off--I guess Marina found a couple stage hands for her tour)

Ellie and Brooke deep in conversation. They bonded all weekend over their love of dolls and strollers (aka Ellie kept trying to claim Brooke's dolls as her own). Luckily Marina shared with Ellie and Ellie and Brooke walked countless laps around the house with their babies. Looks like we know what to get Ellie for her birthday this year!
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Monday, July 16, 2012

Willem's 1st Alone Visit with Opa and Lita

Oom Rik was going to CA for a wedding and the day he was set to leave, Willem asked if he could go with him to see Opa and Lita. All Summer he's been asking to go to California and he saw his ticket out of here. Within 20 minutes of calling Lita to let her know, Willem had packed his bags and was anxiously awaiting their departure.

Willem had a blast! He had his Opa and Lita to himself and visited Heritage Park, the Cerritos Library, a train park and best of all, was able to go to his cousin Thomas' birthday party. In addition, Tia Julie drove up for the day from California (thank you for the pictures!!).

I don't have many pictures since I wasn't there, but when he returned home he was already plotting his next visit to Opa and Lita's.

When Willem returned home, he and Ellie were joyful to be reunited. They hugged for a long time and Willem kept saying, "ellie, your wa wa(how ellie says willem) is home".
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Erik!

In honor of Erik's birthday, we decided to have a family bowling night. Erik thoroughly outscored us all and was a good sport at us taking over an hour to play one game. The kids loved bowling. Willem had been a couple years ago but didn't remember it, so it was a whole new experience. They're always curious about what Oom Rik does every Monday night and now they know.

How cute are those shoes!!

Ellie, strong as always, carried her own balls to the lane everytime and then would race back to get some popcorn before throwing her 2nd ball.

We had planned on giving Erik a card and some Oreos for his birthday but Willem didn't think that was sufficient. So that morning he went through his toys and picked out a toy and 2 books to give to Erik. Then he dug out the only wrapping paper I had, which was Christmas paper(I have SO become a gift bag person I realized) and wrapped the presents himself.

He and Ellie then helped Erik open them when he got up. Willem explained to Erik that the toy was kind of broken and he and Ellie never read the snake book, so they decided to give them to him. Not sure it was the thought that counted here but it got Erik to laugh:)

Happy Birthday Oom Rik!
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Saturday, July 7, 2012

Summer Fun with Friends

Summer break has been filled with lots of family time, swimming, early mornings and brother/sister bonding time. Ellie loves having Willem around more since he is not in school. They are often in their own world, pretending to put out fires or drive trains or the most recent is that they are cats who live in our train table. It's interesting to see that Ellie is already into the imaginative play. Willem usually comes up with the ideas but she's right there with him making the animal noises or pretending to drive the firetruck.

Summer has also given us an opportunity to catch up with friends whom we don't get to see as much during the school year.

Willem's 1st trip to the circus. He said watching the elephant paint was his favorite part.

Reese and Willem are so sweet together. They are both really strong and independent in personality so they can play next to each other for a long time without talking but they love getting together. In the pool, Reese has been helping Willem gain confidence in diving and keeping his face in the water.  

Music class is always a hit at our house! The kids and Jason and I have fun and it's a great way to catch up with friends.
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Summers Bounty

Farmers in training with their goods. Usually the tomatoes are eaten en route to the kitchen but this time the haul was so big, we had some for snacks the next day.
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Daddy Dates

Jason has started on a busier rotation this month where he works every weekend so we have been missing that time with him. However, he has every Tuesday off and he's been making the most of that day each week. Each morning he's asked the kids what they want to do and Willem has oscillated between Train Park and the Children's Museum. Ellie just says "bye bye" and runs and grabs her shoes. She wants to make sure not to be left behind. Hence, they've been getting to have Daddy dates and go out into the heat sans their pregnant Mom who is avoiding the 110 degree weather when at all possible.

Ellie loves riding on the carousel and listening to the music and just recently Willem is no longer afraid of riding on the horses that move. They look so big by themselves!

We aren't sure yet where Ellie will love going as she gets more of a voice, but for now she too is a train kid. She smiles and claps when we get close to the train park.

Photo by Willem
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

4th of July

We had a nice 4th of July this year. Jason worked but Mom and I enjoyed hanging out with the kids. We made the most of our 1st rainy day in awhile. We started the day with a bike ride in the rain to see how much water we could collect. Willem had Ellie and I carry cups. We only collected a few drops though since it was just sprinkling.

Later, we went over to a friends house to swim. Some of my favorite memories as a child are of swimming in the rain. Our kids were no different, they all couldn't wait to get in. It felt a little chilly swimming in 90 degree weather, but we got used to it quickly and were totally prunes by the time we got out. No pictures as it took Mom and I in the pool with daring fish Ellie and Willem who is swimming exponentially better each time we go. This day he was all about diving down for rings and he was able to do it by himself by the end of the day.

That night, we took advantage of the cooler weather and had our innaugural bonfire, complete with roasted marshmallows. Ellie had missed a nap and was tuckered out so she went to bed and we let Willem stay up until he asked to go to sleep (halfway through the fireworks)

This was Willem's first time using a sparkler, he's quite scared of fire so it took Jason doing a few by himself before Willem was eager to try one. Thank you to our wonderful neighbor for bringing them by! Next year, we'll get some ourselves. It has snuck up on us that the kids are getting old enough to enjoy festivities.

We are lucky that we can see two fireworks displays from our yard and look forward to many family memories watching the displays from the trampoline! Unfortunately the show didn't start until 9:30, so about 10 minutes in Willem asked to go to bed. All in all, a great 4th of July!
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