Opa and Oom Rik had lots of quality time with the kids while we shopped. A lot of football was watched and a number of train tracks were built. All and all a good weekend.
Opa suggested checking out the Capitol, which we had only driven past before. What we thought would be a 10 min photo op turned into a really fun adventure. We were surprised at how nice the grounds were and all the monuments that were in the area.
Ellie, "Is anyone watching me pick this rose right now?"
Who knew there was such a neat museum so close to our house. Willem spotted the train on the way to the Capitol and was on a mission to go check it out. Ends up its the Mining and Mineral Museum.
Our 1st time at Zoo Ligthts. The talking giraffy as Willem says, was a winner. It was 75 degrees that night, some may say we were a bit overdressed:)
Willem's highlight of Zoo Lights was definitely sledding. We didn't get great pictures because of the lighting and motion but this was a really steep hill. Willem said he wanted to do it and he never flinched. Smiled and laughed the whole way down.
Willem's new favorite game: Pictionary. Trains are his go to thing to draw but today he decided to draw his family as well: