Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend

Opa and Oom Rik had lots of quality time with the kids while we shopped. A lot of football was watched and a number of train tracks were built. All and all a good weekend.

Opa suggested checking out the Capitol, which we had only driven past before. What we thought would be a 10 min photo op turned into a really fun adventure. We were surprised at how nice the grounds were and all the monuments that were in the area.

Ellie, "Is anyone watching me pick this rose right now?"

Who knew there was such a neat museum so close to our house. Willem spotted the train on the way to the Capitol and was on a mission to go check it out. Ends up its the Mining and Mineral Museum.

Our 1st time at Zoo Ligthts. The talking giraffy as Willem says, was a winner. It was 75 degrees that night, some may say we were a bit overdressed:)

Willem's highlight of Zoo Lights was definitely sledding. We didn't get great pictures because of the lighting and motion but this was a really steep hill. Willem said he wanted to do it and he never flinched. Smiled and laughed the whole way down.

Willem's new favorite game: Pictionary. Trains are his go to thing to draw but today he decided to draw his family as well:

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving aka Opa's Birthday

We are incredibly blessed to have all of our family within driving distance of our home. Thanksgiving this year began with a jaunt to Circle K to pick up the paper and then to Maw Maw's for a fantastic meal and great company. Then that evening we had a feast at our home and a family game night.

This year Thanksgiving happened to fall on Opa's Birthday. We've been practicing the Dutch Happy Birthday song and Willem was quite spirited after lots of turkey and pie. I didn't notice the sleepy effect, that turkey turned him into a one man band. Playing his drum and singing "Lang zal hij leven".

Jason made the turkey this year and it was fantastic. He brined it and found a recipe where it only baked for 2.5 hours. It was extremely moist and looked fantastic. Mom also cooked away on the potatoes and gravy and other dishes and the Weiss' brought fantastic pies and decorations. It was great seeing how our family feast came together.

Willem was very excited to show Opa and Lita his new violin and gave his first concert. Once he got going he became quite the showman.

"Let there be light":) Thanks to Erik, after dinner we were able to turn on the Christmas lights. Each year the holidays seem to fly by and this year our intention for the holiday season is to spend time with family, have fun and do what we can so that others can have a magical holiday season as well. Happy Holidays!!

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Cooking with Love

Wednesday morning, Tia Julie, Willem, Ellie and I set out to begin our Thanksgiving preparations. I love the holidays and all the preparations. This year we decided to cook as much as possibly on Wednesday, so Thursday we could enjoy our time with Opa and Lita and the Torry side of the family. Willem was really excited to be cooking.

We tackled the hardest dish first with Tia Julie and Willem chopping 3 big onions and peeling lots of apples for a yummy Butternut Squash Soup. Lesson #1 Don't touch your eyes after you've been chopping onions. We thought we'd lost a man after that experience but Chef Willem came back to the Learning Tower and carried on.

Jason and I bought this apple peeler during our time in Iowa before Willem was born. Loved seeing him get so much enjoyment out of it.

Our joyful sous chef helped us a lot by taking good long naps and test tasting all the fixins for us.

Food always tastes better after you touch it to your head.

Willem made most of the cranberry jello dish all by himself.

Thanksgiving wouldn't be complete without Grandma's famous noodle dish. They made the dough and let it dry and a few days later, Willem cut the noodles just like Julie and I grew up doing on Thanksgiving.

Ellie liked the dough and the flour. The side items were ready to go and Julie and I were ready for our nap.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Willem's Off School!

I loved having Willem home from school this week! We had a lot of quality family time and were able to do things together at a leisurely pace with no need to leave the house. It was perfect! On Monday we thought about a couple of people we are grateful for and what we could do to show them our love. Willem voted on making cupcakes with lots of sprinkles for Grandma and Grandma Rose. He really wanted to mail cupcakes to Grandma Rose in Missouri and drop off cupcakes at Grandma's work. The cupcakes and icing were made but Mom ran out of steam before deliveries were made. As Grandma, Erik and Jason came home that day, he gave them each a cupcake. Sadly, they didn't appreciate the sprinkles the same as he does.

As I was cleaning up a spill, I turn around to find Ellie with her finger in a cupcake:) Luckily camera was on hand.

Tia Julie arrived Monday night and we woke her up bright and early Tuesday morning! No sleeping in with Willem around:) Willem and Tia Julie had fun with googly eyes.

Jason was off that day so we met up with friends from school at the Children's Museum. Ellie acted like she owned the place. Loved pushing the grocery cart!

Ellie's favorite part of the art room = washing her hands

Willem takes his painting job very seriously

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