Ellie discovers the hair accessories:) They only stayed on for a few minutes but the picture was priceless. Ellie loves sitting up in the Bumbo and looking out at the world.
So smiley and yet later this week we learned you had flu a & b. Who knew? Luckily no fever or outward symptoms except waking at night, so you did great.
Our first adventure at Jump and Shout and Willem was sold. He loved climbing in the tunnels and going in the bounce houses with his friends.
Willem at 2 and a half.
Dad's 1st train park adventure with Willem and Ellie alone. They made the rounds as usual and Ellie enjoyed the train ride and watching her big brother play at the train shop.
Willem has realized now that Ellie is here for good and is very interested in helping take care of her. He likes to imitate everything he sees us do. He wants to help change her diapers, take her on walks and sing to her when she cries. He has started coming up to her in a high pitched tone and saying, "Hello Princess, Hello Beautiful". We are getting a taste of what we must sound like to him but it is so sweet:) (to this day he still does this multiple times a day)

At the end of the month Willem got his haircut at his favorite place while watching Thomas and of course playing with trains afterwards. It doesn't matter that they are the same trains we have at home, it is so much more fun at the hair salon:)
Also in October...
-Ellie has found her hands and is chewing up a storm.
-As of October 29th Ellie is 24.5 inches long and 13 lbs 5oz
-On October 30th Ellie rolled over for the first time! Opa and Lita were here for Halloween and were the first to witness this feat.