Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sept 2010 part 1

Willem loves trying out Ellie's baby stuff.


Ellie cozily sleeping in the bouncy chair.

Ellie has been such an easy baby! She loves laying on the floor and watching everything that's going on around her. She is quite content.

Our 1st big outing without help had to be to the train park. Ellie enjoyed the train ride and Willem was in heaven.

Tia Julie did a 2 week rotation in Phoenix at an office we can walk to from our house. To this day when we drive past the building Willem says, "Tia Julie works there." Willem greeted Tia Julie at the airport with a sign and thoroughly enjoyed having her stay with us. Julie did a lot of pony rides and bouncing Ellie on a ball and we were all sad to see her leave:(

What's new with Willem:
Willem has started singing! He is shy about it but we'll hear him singing his ABC's or row, row your boat. He likes playing the ABC's on the Leapfrog fridge toy over and over again and singing along.
Willem is also now doing the wood block puzzle by himself. His favorite puzzle is the duck one but he'll do the pig the sheep as well. He's starting to get into the "all by myself" phase but seems to be gaining confidence which each task he can complete without help.
What's new with Ellie:
Ellie is smiling at us a lot now!!
When Ellie crys in the car, Willem sings to her and she'll quiet down. But if Ellie isn't crying, Willem refuses to sing. He'll say "Ellie not crying right now"
During tummy time you were scooting with your legs. You move so much!!

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Tia Julie's month with us (September 2010)

Ellie is just getting cuter and cuter each day. She is incredibly smiley and loving. We are so glad she is here!

Such a cute sleeper! Ellie loves being bounced to sleep and falls asleep curled up in the bouncer.

Tia Julie came to town for a few weeks and worked here at a local Pediatricians office. We loved having her with us. We even were able to walk her to work some days. One night, Julie and Willem made pizza for. It was delicious!

Willem loves art at school and we are doing more and more at home as well.

Willem made this sign for Tia Julie's arrival. We went into the airport to pick her up which was very exciting and he held his sign proudly.
Tia Julie's a great bouncer!
Ellie at dinner with Paw Paw and Gigi.

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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Ellie's Baptism

Ellie was surrounded by family and friends as she was baptised at St. Francis Xavier. Ellie receiving this sacrament meant a lot to Opa and Grandma Rose and we were lucky to have so many friends and family there with us to celebrate with us.

Ellie and Opa

We were thankful that Willem was able to take part as well, he was very curious about the church and what was happening to his little sister.

Ellie with her godparents, Julie and Erik

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Friday, September 3, 2010

Venturing out

Today we went to the train park with just Mom, Ellie and Willem. We had a great time and braved the heat to see the trains. This was our first big outing with Ellie without any other adults to help and all went well.
Willem loves his new sunshades and they were definitely needed as it was quite hot today and very sunny.

Ellie slept most of the time but seemed to enjoy being out with her brother. I have a feeling this won't be her last time at the train park.