Thursday, July 9, 2009

Willem Feeding Himself

So I don't have any pictures of him in action, but there are some videos we'll post soon. Willem has started to use his spoon and fork and is doing a great job! It's a messy venture but he is having a lot of fun. Each morning he has yogurt for breakfast, here are some pictures from yesterday morning and today:

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More cute pictures from the past week

It seems like Willem has grown a lot in the past few weeks and he is no longer our little baby, he's become a full on toddler! We are excited for this next stage but can't believe how fast this is coming.

Willem's favorite toy at Paw Paw and Gigi's is this toy car that he can scoot around and it has lots of buttons that make different noises. He's gotten quite quick in roaming around the room on it.

Willem still enjoys his car rides and has been great in running errands with me all over town. When we moved to Phoenix we started facing his carseat forward and put him in the toddler seat, another sign to Mom and Dad that he's becoming a toddler! We really enjoy being able to turn around and see him though.
One of Willem's favorite activities right now is rearranging the kitchen drawers. He has two drawers that are assigned to him that are filled with tubberware and towels and he loves to play in them.

This picture is from a Pool Party we went to today. This is his miscievious face after he's just eaten off of someone else's plate at the party (the Mom had told him it was okay, but he knew I had said no, it was hard not to take a picture because it was such a cute face).
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7-1 1st Gymnastics Class

Last week was my first week staying at home and we were eager to get out, explore the town and meet new friends! One day we took a gymnastics class aimed for kids under 19 months. Willem wasn't sure what to make of the other 15 kids running around and playing but he had a lot of fun watching them. It was a pretty neat class and Willem enjoyed trying out the gym equipment and he even did a backward somersault which he found quite funny!

He loved this activity where they were supposed to beat the ball with a stick. (We are pretty sure some new teeth are going to be breaking through soon because most things nowadays are becoming good items to chew on)
Looking back on it at this class he seemed more eager to try to walk than he had the past few weeks. He really seemed to be watching what the other kids did and trying to do the same skills.
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Our trip to IA (6/22-6/26)

Willem and I took our first trip with just the two of us to Iowa a couple of weeks ago. I needed to wrap some things up at work but in the evenings we were able to catch up with our close friends. I was a little nervous about the flights because we had a connection, but Willem was great. We made friends on each of the planes and he got quite a few special treats for being so good on the flights. The airline stewardesses loaded him up with cookies and the gentleman across the aisle from him (luckily a grandfather) willingly gave his bag of Cheetohs to Willem after many signs for more and a few lunges toward the bag. I wish I had some pictures from the flights because he was super cute with his face covered in cookies and cheetohs while peacefully sleeping in my arms, his body layed out half in the aisle and half in my lap (he's gotten so tall!!). But I learned when traveling alone far fewer pictures get taken!

So here is what I've got from the trip:
A picture of the other Mom's and kids from the night the Renks' had everyone over for Pizza. We have all been friends from before there was a single baby in the group, it's crazy how much our group has multiplied in the past few years! Our get togethers are definitely more lively now, but thoroughly entertaining.

Willem loved playing with Isabella's toys, especially her kitchen. He spent many morning hours stirring the food in the pot and reorganizing the kitchen to his liking.

This picture was from a morning when I was too tired to take the paci from him. He just kept looking at me teasingly as if to highlight that he had found his paci and was so proud to be able to keep it when he wasn't in the crib. This has been a new game of his lately. At the end of his nap he always throws the pacis out to signal he is awake. Usually I get him from the crib and then put the pacis in the crib so they are ready for his next nap. But on occasion I forget to do so or one has disappeared and I make a note to look for it later. Well Willem almost always capitalizes on those occasions and seeks out the missing paci. Will put it in his mouth and then crawl to me to show me that he's found it. It's so funny because usually he finds the missing paci far under the crib so part of the game is he lays down on his stomach, lifts up the crib's skirt and scooches under the crib to claim the paci. I need to get it on video because his face is priceless when he comes up with the sought after prize.

Another game Willem has really gotten into is playing catch. While in Iowa he found his perfect partner for this game, Savannah(Savannah belongs to the family who was watching Willem while I was at work). The first day Willem stayed with them he found Savannah's tennis ball, he threw it where no one was sitting which usually would have been an end to that game, but not with Savannah. Savannah got up and retrieved the ball and dropped it right next to Willem. So the game began... Apparently they did this so many times that day that the next morning Savannah was too tired to get up. The next morning when I dropped Willem off he paid no attention to me leaving, he was in heaven there playing with Savannah and the girls who were caring for him!

In summary, our trip to Iowa was great in that we really enjoyed seeing our friends and Willem enjoyed playing with the other kids. But we were equally happy to get home as we were definitely missing Jason!
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Catching up from the last month!

The last month has been quite exciting in our household. Jason started full time in the hospital as a General Surgery intern. Day 1 in the hospital he was able to assist in a foot amputation and his love for General Surgery continues to grow with each cut he gets to make:)

Willem gets cuter and cuter everyday. He made a trip to Cedar Rapids with me a couple of weeks ago, but more to come on that with a later blog post... And as of late he has become quite the walker. He's currently loving the book Maisy's Train and spends a good chunk of his day reading books with me.

As of last week I officially became a stay at home Mom. I'm still learning what my new job entails but am loving every moment of it. (Although there is an open position at our house for a night nanny if anyone wishes to apply:)
Tia Julie has been staying with us for the past few weeks which has been such a treat! Willem loves having someone to chase him around and to capture his every move on camera. Thanks to Julie we have some great pictures from the last few weeks!

I'm so far behind in blogging, so I'll try and play catch up a bit tonight. Luckily, Jason's been taking over the reigns so there aren't too many stories to share.

Willem walking again

Willem is starting to walk again. He took a few weeks off from trying. Two days ago he started taking a lot of steps. Video link below from 7/7. His balance gets better and better.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Willem Brushing His Teeth

Willem likes to brush his teeth at night before bed. I think he uses it as a teething soother.

Sleeping straight

Willem and Sarah went to Iowa for the week of 6/22. This was just a weird picture because Willem usually sleeps curled up. Here he is sleeping stretched out in the Renk's guest bed.

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Willem walking once upon a time

This was at the Phoenix Art Museum on 6/16/09. Willem had been taking a few steps at a time for a few days now. At the museum there were a couple of other toddlers who were walking around. Willem watched them for a while and then started taking 10-15 steps at a time, the most he's ever walked. However, since that time he has not walked at all. He took a few steps the next night, but since that time he has totally lost interest in walking. There is a link to a video clip at the bottom.