Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pilot's License

I obtained my pilot's license yesterday. I flew down to Burlington, IA to meet up with C.D. "Tom" Tomkins. Tom is a FAA Pilot Examiner and used to fly P-38s in the South Pacific in World War II. Tom asked me some questions about flying and then we went for the checkride. About an hour later we landed and Tom told me I passed and gave me a temporary pilot's license.
This is a picture taken at Green Castle Airfield. Terry, left, was my flight instructor. Don, right, is the owner of the airfield. Behind them is the Cessna 150 (5219Q) that I used for my checkride.
Today, Seth was brave enough to be my first passenger as a licensed pilot.
I took a picture of our neighborhood from the air.
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Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Willem's 1st Ear Infection

Willem went to the doctor yesterday to get his 5 month shots, he took them like a trooper. While we were there the doctor discovered he has his 1st ear infection. Luckily he seems to only be irritated by it at night, so hopefully the medicine will help. He doesn't yet value the bubble gum flavor of amoxicilin though and gives us a disgusted look as we feed it to him.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Our growing boy...

Willem is such a little character, he keeps us laughing all day long. Whether he's sleeping in one of his funny poses or giving us his googly eyes in the bath, we have been having a lot of fun. These pictures aer from the week of 8-24th, we'll get some more pics posted soon.

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